Monday, February 27, 2006

Duke LGBT Alumni Network Membership Site

The Duke LGBT Alumni Network (DukeLAN) is an organization for Duke University alumni/ae, faculty, staff, and students from all Duke undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools. DukeLAN was formed in 2005 with the aim of connecting together alumni in various parts of the country and helping students find Duke LGBT connections while in school and after graduation. Individuals associated with UNC-Chapel Hill and similar/neighboring institutions are also welcome to join our email lists (guest membership). Those eligible for membership are invited to follow the membership link for information about registering online.

If you are a current DukeLAN member you may login if you know your password, or request your password if not.

If you are eligible for DukeLAN membership, but you are not yet a member, we invite you to apply for membership.

We welcome feedback from all visitors to our site.

This is the Membership Web Site of the Duke LGBT Alumni Network.

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